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Introduction - insulating home extensions

Insulation is a fundamental element of any energy efficiency strategy for dwellings.This guide describes the levels likely to be needed to meet current best practice.

Efficient use of energy helps to reduce fuel bills and thereby tackle fuel poverty. In addition, it cuts atmospheric emissions of gases such as carbon dioxide (CO2), sulphur dioxide (SOX) and oxides of nitrogen (NOX) caused by the burning of fossil fuels. In this way, it helps to combat climate change and improves air quality.

The specification outlined here takes into account the range of heating fuels commonly employed in the UK and also considers the impact of different sizes and configurations of dwellings.

The guide aims to give architects, specifiers, installers and others involved in the design and construction of dwellings sufficient information to specify adequate insulation for most typical dwellings in the UK, in both new build and refurbishment projects. However, it is only a summary: a list of more detailed guidance can be found at the end of this publication.




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